Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. What a joke andrea stop defending Xbox till they delay the dead on arrival redfall then we can focus on the positives and the prospect of xbox being a competitor. . Thr Marjory of titles on that list will be on Gamepass. Excepto cuando dicen algo bueno de Sony PS" - El Economista de la FTC - Translate Tweet. 16 Jul 2023 18:51:26. Andrea PichininiAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. She's doing her job of 'protecting competition and consumers' just the same way you do your gaming journalism: A total farce. Exposed? Really? 😂 😂 😂 Nobody here has shown any proof of me not being a girl. #1 . 🤭🤭🤭🤭”“@el_passione @loftipixels Same character, in the same map (with some extra areas) doind the same things (some extra habilities) Is basically a Spiderman 1 Director Cuts. Nintendo Switch + Xbox. Hellblade 2 making PSfanboy salty and jealous. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini " I know Final Fantasy is more synonymous with PlayStation" 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 😹 FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6 PlayStation didn't even exist when those were on Nintendo consoles. Highlights of Phil Spencer interview: 1. 2. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Amazing how an incredibly beautiful woman can portrait in such incredibly scary and menacing way as a videogame character! 🤯 🤯 🤯BOOM!! IT'S DONE! This generation is already decided: XBOX has won Gaming has won ABK workers has won And specially: Xbox players are BIG winners! 15 Jul 2023 00:02:03. 2c. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. The return of classic ABK sagas 3. It means that ABK games that already exist in PS would keep being available and keep receiving support. " Bigger isn't the word. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Contrary to PSfanboy YouTubers defending and overpraising PS while Sony execs don't give 💩 💩 💩 if they even exist At least the majority of them Don't worry, maybe someday you'll get there, and stop the envy 🙃“@RLvideos2 @EscoAlmighty And Wolverine only had a teaser with no gameplay or release date. But one thing you won't be able to do is to play it on PS5. 😜 / Twitter Andrea Pichinini See new Tweets. This is a congratulation to all fathers. He never said Starfield wasn't going to be exclusive 6. Spiderman 2 had no gameplay or release date. But I see improvement on Forza Motorsport:“@Widow_GT Photomode. 17 Jul 2023 15:09:15. Yes there it is: Xbox fans has the right to criticise this situation with Redfall. Sign upAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. . “@ThePinkTacox @gioforever On Xbox we have new games this year. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . “@eurogamer STARFIELD really makes you salty 😹😹😹😹😹 Star Wars O is much smaller. If the block was denied, technically Microsoft could complete the Acquisition in the next few days. Both Xbox and PS can do the exact same thing, but they will make Xbox look "bad" and PS look "good"Every time these clowns tell me that I don't play games or I am "less gamer" I respond to them with this, and literally none of them could even tell this is a reference to a videogame! 😹😹😹😹😹 And that's how they pretend to tell me anything about being a gamer 🤭🤭🤭🤭“@raisedeyebrowe Delete your account and stop being a loser”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. and @PaleHorseRAAM. 3. Replying to. Conversation. Gamepass Xbox VS $70 PS5. Thank you andrea. gangatron . ·. Likes. Some big ones. Two types of Xbox players 🙂. You think Xbox buying one publisher (Activision) would make it a "monopoly"? THIS is what monopoly looks like: YouTube abuses with. 15 Jul 2023 01:55:35RT @AndreaPichinini: #3 Just a few minutes ago . Xbox can make them all exclusive as long as COD remains multiplat. You cannot rush games to launch broken Make lots of 3rd party exclusivity deals. Views. Better conditions for ABK workers 2. You won't see PS fanboys crying "monopoly!!See new Tweets. 16 Jul 2023 18:35:43BREAKING The FTC commits abuse of authority by overruling the judge to block an aquisition. Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "Two types of Xbox players 🙂". All included on Gamepass day one. GamingGlendrix. You pay $70 for one game on PS5. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. That's a normal thing we all do You are the creepy one 🤡. No release date. If he (Gene) finds it "bizarre" blame the congressman, not me. Milking GOW and Spiderman Making 3rd party deals like FF to save PS5 from being a barren desert this year 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹”except Bungie is still in control. 1. TLOU MP only had a concept-art screenshot KOTOR: no gameplay. Do your homework”Andrea Pichinini. 16 Jul 2023 14:24:17. 70. . “@CJSeedge I didn't. 14 Jul 2023 17:21:16. 15 Jul 2023 15:26:00These incredibly unprofessional, unethical, Anti-Xbox gaming sites with no journalistic integrity are the ones who decide which games are nominated at The Game Awards. Andrea Pichinini See new Tweets. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Yes. ·. . Conversation. I have a series S due to it being cheaper, and if i HAD to buy every game i ever wanted to play, id get 2 games a year, birthday and xmas, and if i didn't like them, too bad. I'm officially opening my ONLY FANS! In this thread I will explain why I'm doing this, and the details of what I will be offering to those interested Also some first images 😏 (Cont 👇)”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Jim Ryan: "We have timed exclusivity content deals on Call of Duty games to convince players to chose PS, but Phil Spencer offer of keeping COD on PS was innadecuate" 🙃 🙃 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. See new Tweets. Part 2: At this point she's being publicly embarrassed. Dear @Microsoft @Xbox @XboxP3. Embracer Group is buying big part of SquareEnix. Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "There it is Ladies and Gentlemen Grumbling and everything but Sony signed the 10-year COD deal to Microsoft 🙃". 9. “@realonenonly @shierkuh Oh yeah: Random sock account with 5 followers asks me for my gamertag to harass me on my Xbox account and I'm supposed to give it 🤭🤭🤭🤭 I play more games than you, since I play great games you don't touch because you call them "fillers" (Unless you're an hypocrite liar)”RT @ForzaMotorsport: It's almost that time again! When the tires squeal and the engines roar. And you're the one who came here cry about someone else's preference because it hurts you that others don't choose your copy/pastes 😭😭😭“@DaReelSebas We aren't talking about exclusive games that are on one platform. Replying to @ExcEnthusiast. Forza Horizon 5 already has the best graphics of any racing game to date. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. PSVR2 is dead on arrival Only 600k units for 38M consoles Huge. We are a consequence. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Its a inside issue and not a Sony one but I bet you defended Microsoft when they recently laid off a bunch of people while making a 70billion dollar deal like the rest of the xbox fanboys didWhy are you mad? I am just saying my own preference and experience. RT @danttstgs: that would be me. Conversation. Redirecting to /i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2FAndreaPichinini Andrea Pichinini on Twitter: "5. Established character and story. “@gavineyard Does it look like we need them? 😹😹😹😹😹😹 PS won't have Stafield, Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Fable, Perfect Dark, Gears 6, State of Decay 3, Wolfenstein 3, Forza Horizon, Clockwork Revolution, etc etc 😘”“The ABK CMA CAT situation What I understand: 1. Even him 🤭🤭🤭🤭RT @AndreaPichinini: Someone's coping really hard! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 . Now in the congress being ACCUSED of squandering the US people's taxes on an absurd campaign. Just by playing any modern Assassins Creed, I have already seen what Ghost of Tsushima has to offer, for the most part. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Good day Xbox players 😊💚 Big news for Xbox Showcase!! All 1st party games will be shown in-game or in-engine No full CGI for 1st party titles 2 hours duration (including the Starfield direct) ZERO movie or TV series trailers All 100% GAMES, GAMES AND GAMES!Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Excited about Fable 3. . Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Getting this amount of likes, This amount of reactions, And someone with that many followers commenting under my tweet is the biggest W I could have hoped for 😍 😍 😍 😍 👌Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini My gamer profile. “@Edwardianscrip1 @XboxGamePass Imagine being such a virgin who can't even distinguish between 2 different women. Xbox Showcase: After all the Redfall and negative media campaign on Xbox you absolutely need to nail the Showcase: Don't exceed showing too many indies anyone can play elsewhere Show several big top-tier system seller titles that make more gamers want to get Xbox+GamepassI tweeted something positive about Xbox (without mentioning anything PS) And the comments already filled with salty PS fanboys who spend more time searching anything Xbox to cry about than playing any game on PS5 😹😹😹😹😭😭😭😭This is not about "out-consoling Sony or Nintendo" It's about bringing more and more players to the Xbox/Gamepass ecosystem and giving your loyal userbase the best gaming experience so we all feel happy and satisfied for choosing Xbox and not missing out from other platforms. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Xbox Live Gold is coming to an end Starting September 2023, it will become *Gamepass Core* 🟢 Same price as Gold 🟢 Online MP 🟢 Discounts on Store 🟢 No more Games with Gold 🟢 Access +25 Gamepass titles (With more coming in the future) 🟢 Existing Gold subs will be replacedAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. CMA doesn't want to publicly admit they. 16 Jul 2023 18:41:16Horizon 2 Aloy's girlfriend says "bye Xbox" (Spoiler: she doesn't/didn't have an Xbox Series X|S) Xbox actresses like Jen Taylor (Cortana) or Melina Juergens (Senua) doesn't need to do something like this. Andrea PichininiAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini Hellblade 2 Starfield Redfall Outer Worlds 2 I have lost count of how many Xbox games PSfanboys keep begging on a daily basis 🤭 🤭 🤭Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Ironically, he supported a scammer account called Marlis who was doing console wars as PS fangirl to later get money by selling other women's pics in a fake "onlyfans". @AndreaPichinini. With Sony PS Incompetent leadership and 100% focus on COD, now Bungie risks facing a similar fate as Japan Studio (closed in 2021) in the futureAndrea Pichinini on Twitter: "Nope. 46. Please listen to the Arabic Xbox fans who are requesting #Starfield localisation to Arabic language. Yeah Andrea I saw your tweet, people are and have already talked about these, I know you’ve made toxic fandom your personality and try to prove you’re so genuine and faithful to a multi-billion dollar company so you don’t see this and have to deflect at any criticism, but it’s ok. I haven't seen any of them writting a whole Tome of grief as PSfanboys with Xbox Activision deal. Now in the congress being ACCUSED of squandering the US people's taxes on an absurd campaign"Oh, this video shows the attention to detail put in the cars, but let's ignore that and make a graphics comparison because the most important thing in a racing game is the graphics!"5. ”And I can already tell you: Those media who kept making frequent articles about how Xbox Series S is "underpowered" won't say a single negative word about 'Switch 2' As always: Xbox is the only brand that gets blamed even for the global warming and all wars in the world. Hahahaha my good catfish, I'm not talking about what a game looks like, but about all the garbage they're selling and the smoke they swallow every year, I hope 2024 will play Fallout 5 🤣 🤣 🤣We are a response. Y al menos a 1080p. 1. 11:25 PM · Jul 17, 2023. You can keep paying $70 for every game, or not play any game at all to not support any big company. Oh wait!”Someone's coping really hard! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 . Console fanboys (mainly on the PS side) are the only people who are ok, and even defend paying more”Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Seems Lina Khan doesn't care about the facts She and her crew just want to impose their own will no matter what @Microsoft must be aware of thisAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini After +25 years of Playstation PAYING to make exclusive tons of 3rd party games they DIDN'T MAKE suddenly people care so much when MS Xbox does it 🤡 🤡 🤡 #HypocrisyHasNoLimitsAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. And yet you PSfanboys are Excited for those. According to the court verdict: As long as Call of Duty remains multiplatform (available on PS and other platforms) Microsoft can make any other Activision-Blizzard game Xbox exclusive and won't raise any anti-competitive legal action!“@SwedishLightnin @NextGamer1981 I said main games made by Tod Howard. Fill the gaps It doesn't matter how many studios you buy when games are taking longer to be developed and delays are inevitable. RT @AndreaPichinini: BOOM!!! LINA KHAN took the MS Activision deal too personal She wanted to achieve glory at all costs. This is a multiplat. I can prove you wrong quite easily: Both games has volcanic rock formations. Sucks being a PS fanboy this year 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹”We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Because most of them had a PS1 as their first console and they have an unconditional love for PS They are willing to protect Sony PS dominance at any costs. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. Mi perfil gamer. ·. This is the real Me. Replying to @D3MoNs_FaTh3rPR @Odins_Mead. Conversation. “4. MS believes they have an arrangement to clear the cloud concerns and CMA resolve without looking bad 6. Now compare that to a total new IP with an open galaxy and an insane amount of gameplay elements 🙃”Only person who needs to be a better person is you, gay people exist so get over it you bigot. 12 May 2023 14:55:20. @TRIPSTER0. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. See new Tweets. You mean FF16. @realonenonly · Jun 22. Translate Tweet. Oh yeah, that's the only reason. Nowhere near the best quality burgers, but famous and popular, so lots people just go for what it's familiar to them. Log in. Pero no lo hicieron UNA LÁSTIMA JUGAR A 30FPS EN MODO RENDIMIENTO 😭Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini My gamer profile. MS agrees to stick to the original case (block because of cloud concerns) 5. So according to Smoove an actual game designer who created games like OG Worlds of Warcraft, Diablo 2 and StarCraft would be a terrible addition to gaming community. I know you weren't in the most cheerful moment, but by now you should already know most gaming media outlets are NOT your friends. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. RT @AndreaPichinini: Let me help you. Don't allow media to simply get away with their smear campaign against Xbox. Better communication In your last interview you gave a few statements that got misinterpreted. I'm on my 30s The difference of a man and a woman's face, eyes I would question the IQ and mental state of anyone caliming that I am a man, let alone that guy. Judge offers squash the CMA blocking, under the new Sony deal 3. BOOM!!! LINA KHAN took the MS Activision deal too personal She wanted to achieve glory at all costs. 3:55 PM · Apr 22, 2023. Actually PS showcase is 60 min while Xbox Showcase is 90 min + Starfield direct. 30M players - Playground Games: Forza Horizon 5. Gamer profile. <style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. 30M players - Obsidian: Grounded 15M players. No wonder why PS cultists get laughed at all the time 😹😹😹😹”RT @FOSSpatents: That filing by the FTC lists the names of 20 FTC attorneys, showing that the agency does not care about wasting taxpayers' money on the pursuit of this pet project instead of setting priorities that would be more beneficial to American consumers. 9:11 PM · Jul 18, 2023 ·. Xbox acquisitions truly made IGN go out of the closet and reveal their true self 🙃Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini As a gamer who will get to play all ABK titles on Gamepass, Is not my problem if you don't like it 🙃 None of you complained in 25 years of Sony PS buying exclusives left and right“@loftipixels Same can be said about Playstation: 30 Versions of TLOU. Also gaming media does everything they can. Nintendo Switch + Xbox. Mi perfil gamer. The point is: The only anti-competitive concern of this whole ABK deal resides on Call of Duty. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini The Last of Us Multiplayer was first delayed in 2019 They wanted to make it standalone game Now 2023 delayed again and in the verge of being cancelled (not meeting the desired quality) Ironically, Days Gone 2 could have released already, but Sony cancelled itAndrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. I cover part of my face for obvious reasons I'm not a model or teenager. 1K. RT @PeterOvo5: After wasting the time of regulators and wasting tax payers money, PlayStation is not in a position to demand anything. . “Remember when the anti-Xbox crew thought the CMA blocking was untouchable? Right now at hearing before the CAT, the CMA is shaking their legs trying to move away from the MS Activision deal without looking too bad. I love great videogames. And Final Fantasy was born on Nintendo consoles. Andrea Pichinini @AndreaPichinini. In all those situations you NEED to speak up. This is the real Me. . No open world 🚫 20 hours of cinematics 🚫 PS3-level characters 🚫 Overheats PS5 🚫 No character creation 🚫 No traditional FF gameplay 🚫 Broken VRR 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀“Now I feel sorry for any console gamer who doesn't own/buy an #Xbox + #XboxGamePass”You are just listed forspoken,so its fair for him to use ffxvi, vii rebirth, silent hill 2 Remake Also always forgets to list Firewall ultra, convallaria,stellar blade etc which are all first partyRT @AndreaPichinini: I live rent free on PSfanboy head that he went through all the work of making a fake account with my name 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹I've been supporting Xbox, mainly because of my own satisfaction w Gamepass and their Pro-consumer offer But I will NOT defend THIS Never in history consoles raised prices mid-gen Sony established a terribly harmful and anti-consumer precedent by raising the PS5 price (1/3)Boom!! The Xbox Showcase will be streamed at 4k/60 fps More info here: Imagine spending another $550 for a accessory to see the same 2d flat trees and PS3 environments 🤭🤭🤭🤭 Most people won't 🙃👇”Who cares about marketshare? All those of us who will be enjoying some of the best games on Xbox (and day one on Gamepass) don't care if PS owners don't leave their preferred platform. Try to not laugh much, okay? I think even this guy would have done a better job for the FTC against MS Activision. RT @AndreaPichinini: Only 3 COD titles can't come immediately. We're not the same. Good thing Xbox has both indies, AA and AAA of great quality.